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Exposed fastened Panels have a great tradition design with several available colors and gauges
Roof and Wall
This is a traditional exposed fastened Corrugated Panel that can be used on a roof or wall applications using exposed fasteners to match the panel.
The 7/8 Corrugated Panel can span over open framing or go right to the roof deck.
Contact a Majestic Metals Sales rep for job specific submittal information or assistance on what panel will suit your specific job application the best.
Available Materials:
24 ga Steel, 22 ga Steel, 26 ga Steel, 032/ 040 Aluminum, Copper, Zinc, Titanium
Roof and Wall
This is a traditional exposed fastened Corrugated Panel that can be used on a roof or wall applications using exposed fasteners to match the panel.
The 7.2 Corrugated Panel can span over open framing or go right to the roof deck.
Contact a Majestic Metals Sales rep for job specific submittal information or assistance on what panel will suit your specific job application the best.
Available Materials:
24 ga Steel, 22 ga Steel, 26 ga Steel, 032/ 040 Aluminum, Copper, Zinc, Titanium